Reckon Accounts Hosted Session Disconnects
Reckon Accounts hosted sessions continue to be stable. We will monitor for the rest of the day, but won’t provide further updates unless an issue recurs.
No further instances of Reckon Accounts Hosted Session Disconnects have been observed. We continue to monitor.
Some infrastructure adjustments have been implemented and we are continuing to monitor Reckon Accounts Hosted to confirm whether the issue has been resolved.
Users are occasionally being disconnected from Reckon Accounts Hosted.
If this happens you may see messages on screen such as “Loaded dictionary for locale en-us error”, “Gateway: Failed authenticating user token.” or “504 Gateway Timeout ERROR”
If this happens, Launch your session again, this will reconnect you to the same session and you can continue working.
Our team is actively working to investigate the issue. We appreciate your patience and will provide updates as we learn more.
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